The Why’s and Who’s and Wherefores…

Insurance is not a riveting subject; believe me, we get this.

And, further, it is complex, contradictory, counter-intuitive sometimes, full of arcane and strange language and even kind of lowbrow, if you will, uncool.


Still, you need it.  You are smart and well schooled.  You own stuff.  Lots of stuff.  You have debt and dreams and only so much time.  You care about your family and your friends.  You want to do it right.  And you want to do the right thing.

So, please join us.  The Right Policy is a conversation among friends about insurance, to be sure, but it is really more about acquiring some navigation aids.  We are doing all we can – research, field work, classes –  to give you the best information about all things life and health insurance related.  It’s stuff you need to know about – trust us.

We will help you figure out how it works, what you need and don’t need, how to apply for coverage and how to stay clear of marginal products and dicey salesmen.  We talk about health news because this is a HUGE part of the equation, and something you have control over.  Information is your friend, and good information is your best friend.

See?  It’s not so bad.

Stay tuned!

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